This month’s newsletter highlights another publication: The Classicist No. 17, published by the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA). The Classicist is an annual, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the classical tradition in architecture and the allied arts. Featuring professional and student portfolios as well as academic articles authored by leaders in the field, this journal serves as a forum for contemporary classical practice as well as a source of inspiration and information for students, practitioners, teachers, patrons, and enthusiasts.
Guest edited by DPZ founding partner Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, The Classicist No. 17 is devoted to Florida’s treasures of classical and traditional architecture. Contributors include Leslee F. Keys, Director of Historic Preservation and Assistant Professor of History at Flagler College; Bruce Stephenson, professor at Rollins College; Wayne Wood, O.D., Hon. AIA, Historian-at-Large for the Jacksonville Historical Society; Beth Dunlop, writer and editor specializing in architecture; and Andres Duany, founding partner of DPZ CoDesign.
The Classicist No. 17 displays the range of classical building that make up the heritage of architectural styles in Florida, and from which we can continue to draw lessons for today.
“Can contemporary social, health, and climate concerns be enlightened by such architectural precedent? Indeed! Buildings and urbanism tell us of the aspirations of our predecessors, and how we came to be in this place. They can also teach us about still-useful place-based experience. Florida’s early twentieth-century city founders sought an environment of good health, following years of war and influenza. Buildings emphasized outdoor living with generous porches, loggias and courtyards. Arcades protected sidewalks from sunlight and downpours. Lessons also can be found in the historic interchangeability of land and water – canals excavated and islands filled – as we seek to respond to a shrinking footprint of dry land.”
– Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Guest Editor
To celebrate the launch of this publication, Miami’s locally-owned, independent bookstore, Books & Books, will hold a virtual event on the evening of Friday, April 9 at 7pm. Elizabeth will be joined by Beth Dunlop and Teofilo Victoria for a wide-ranging conversation about the history and future of Florida’s architectural heritage.
To register for the event and order the book directly, visit: