We are excited to close the year with some updates and news as we prepare to say goodbye to 2022. Even with hiccups from the tail end of COVID-19, hurricanes, and global politics, there has been plenty to celebrate. Between charrettes, webinars, developments in our communities, features in prominent publications, awards, and more, there is much that we are thrilled to share with you.
If you would like to learn more about our work during the last year, read more on the DPZ Pulse.

DPZ Holiday Party
Friday, December 16, we were happy to host our annual holiday party. The evening was complete with the entire DPZ Miami family and friends (dogs included), delicious food, exciting games, and a gift exchange. Team members from other offices were able to join the festivities in person or via Zoom and help us celebrate the ending of another creative and productive year. The evening closed out with a few rounds of karaoke and cheer.
Special thanks to Senen Antonio, Yasmine Benchekroun, and Tori Lutz for planning the food, activities, and atmosphere of the evening!

New Associates
DPZ is proud to acknowledge the achievements and long-standing contribution of three team members: Xavier Iglesias, Judith Bell, and Mike Weich were promoted to DPZ Associates for their management skills and leadership roles. Their varied talents and professionalism have been instrumental in shaping the firm’s vision and mentoring our younger colleagues. Congratulations!

Sprawl Repair Webinar
On October 20th, Galina presented a webinar with 1000 Friends of Florida discussing the prevalence of suburban sprawl in Florida and how to rethink and improve the quality of life in these communities.
This topic is especially timely with post-pandemic migration to Florida. Galina explored the strategies needed to repair the elements of sprawl and “build better burbs”.

From Porta Norte: Breaking Ground
DPZ’s Porta Norte’s first phase is underway! This new settlement outside Panama City, Panama, aims to integrate high-quality housing, associated civic facilities, retail, and new workplace opportunities. Well connected to the region and celebrating the local context, Porta Norte’s traditional urban fabric is compact, walkable, bikeable, and a sharp departure from conventional suburban development trends.
Click here to learn more.

From Montava: An Innovative Intersection Plan
DPZ’s ambitious development in Montava is pushing the envelope on pedestrian and bicycle-centric design, with networks of car-free paths and streets and serious traffic calming. An innovative, Dutch-inspired intersection designed to slow down vehicular speeds was tested in a Fort Collins parking lot this fall.

Maslow Development in Architect Magazine
This October, DPZ client Maslow Development of Memphis, TN, received recognition in Architect Magazine among 12 visionaries commended for reshaping architecture and design today. Maslow was praised for their mission to enhance access to shelter, healthcare, food, and education to low-income areas via their development projects.
They were honored for a design conceptualized by DPZ and A2H for the Lighthouse project—a school that after hours would serve as a community resource center and co-working space.
Click here to read the full feature.

Community Proposed at Allapattah Metrorail Station in Miami
DPZ helped NR Investments develop a non-solicited proposal for an 18-acre city-owned property in Allapattah. This summer, the project was presented to the City of Miami commission. An RFP is expected to be issued early next year.
The project will have 2,500 units (500 will be workforce), 100,000 sq. ft. of retail, 200,000 sq. ft. of office, and a 300-key hotel, plus a library, a market, and a fire station arranged around a walkable structure of urban blocks and open space.
Click here to read the full feature.

‘A Legacy Project’ – Mundelein’s Ivanhoe Village Development
This December, the 800-acre Ivanhoe site was successfully annexed into the Village of Mundelein. DPZ will be working with the Village staff in 2023 to develop a form-based code for the site.
The development will be a mixed-use community to be built over 25 years with a farmstead, approximately 3,000 homes, and 2 million sq. ft. of commercial and light industrial uses.
Click here to read the full feature.

Bader Island
This November, Tower Investments and Post Brothers announced a proposal for the redevelopment of Bader Field–Atlantic City’s former municipal airport.
DPZ’s master plan for this 142-acre, high-density mixed-use project included a network of canals and a variety of marine-oriented facilities.
Click here to read the full feature.

AIA Hall of Fame
We are excited to report that this October, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk received a well-deserved Hall of Fame Award from the American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter.
The Hall of Fame Award recognizes an individual architect for their exemplary accomplishments over the course of their career.

Seafront Residences
DPZ’s Seafront Residences in the Philippines has been the subject of several awards in 2021 and 2022. Most recently, Seafront Residences took home Lamudi’s The Outlook 2022: Philippine Real Estate Awards 2022 Best Premium House of the Year in Luzon.
Seafront Residences was also named Country Winner at the 2021 Asia Property Awards and Best Housing Development in the Philippines and South Luzon at the 2021 Philippines Property Awards.

OCASLA Honor Award
This December, DPZ was proud to see the Ohio Chapter of Landscape Architects (OCASLA) bestow an Honor Award to the Buckeye Lake Pier Design & North Shore State Park Redevelopment Plan. The pier was a recommendation by DPZ in its 2017 Vision Framework Charrette that studied a range of strategies to further the renaissance of the historic lake 30 miles east of Columbus, Ohio’s first State park. Collaborating with a team of landscape architects and planners led by MKSK, DPZ provided the Village Square design adjacent to the park and pier.
The Vision Framework was produced under the auspices of the Buckeye Lake Region Corporation and a coalition of the three counties that border the lake. A well-attended public workshop helped identify several pilot projects to preserve the ecology and history of the lake, enhance its recreational potential, and leverage its unique characteristics to spur economic development in the area. The framework plan has enabled the BLRC to apply for state and federal grants, including the one that funded the pier design and state park plan.
Click here to learn more about DPZ’s vision plan for the Buckeye Lake Region 2030 Initiative and click here to learn more about the BLRC.

CNU Article: Planning the 15-Minute City
Too often, the “15-minute city” is just a slogan. A better understanding of the 15-minute city, with its walking and bicycling sheds, is critical to achieving the benefits of placing human access at the heart of community planning.
Andrés Duany joins Robert Steuteville to discuss the logistics of accomplishing a successful and beautiful walkable community. The 15-minute city is recognized as a mixed-use metropolis that does not require a car to meet daily needs around the neighborhood.
Click here to read the full article.